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    Princess Aegertha Sideria Belquis has just turned eighteen. Which means she is to be wed to Prince Brannon Calderwith, heir to the throne of Calswath. As a gift, he brings her a Drachta Fianna. The offspring of a Fae's relations with a deer. An accident causes the creature to murder Brannon's young ward, but also awak...

  • Geminae: The Blood of the Serpent | Book One
    6.2K 98 3

    'A war is coming. And it's going to bite.' What if there were two species of human, and sharing blood was the only way to survive? AI VAN ROSENDAL comes from a long line of powerful EVes. Despite her high blood potential, Ai prefers life beyond the Wall. When her sister goes missing Ai has no choice but to return to t...

  • Out of the Blue
    63 3 2

    Liara T'Soni; Shadow Broker and Prothean Archeologist. Her shy and strategic ways come to a near end when her fate lies with death itself. When dramatic changes cause her to make a difficult choice, will she make it or will she fall?