
updates may be delayed because i'm working 4 days in a row and i have a very important exam next week that i need to pass if i want to graduate so i may be taking a small break.
          	i apologize for making y'all wait so long for a new updatw on DEPUTY


hope you pass the test and take your time


@zoriph you do well on your exam and take your time. Have your break— I might finally get back to slowly reading your book. ❤️


@zoriph don't worry about that loveee, focus on yourself and take all the time you need!! I wish you the best of lucks with your exam, you can do itt!! 


updates may be delayed because i'm working 4 days in a row and i have a very important exam next week that i need to pass if i want to graduate so i may be taking a small break.
          i apologize for making y'all wait so long for a new updatw on DEPUTY


hope you pass the test and take your time


@zoriph you do well on your exam and take your time. Have your break— I might finally get back to slowly reading your book. ❤️


@zoriph don't worry about that loveee, focus on yourself and take all the time you need!! I wish you the best of lucks with your exam, you can do itt!! 


Hiee! I saw your reading list and even you read my girlfriend's brother like OMGGG. That is a freaking MASTERPIECE and the author is not updating leaving us at such a cliff-hanger likeeeeee, I want to know what happens next and I am very glad that it was the first ever book I read on wattpad!!!


@Casual_Reader_1000 I KNOWW i want to know the end so badd!!! i hate when authors leave readers at cliffhangers, like that without an explanation :(((


Begging crying pleadeling for the next ch 
          I'm having such a hard time in my exams! 
          Its a country with shity government and we kids are tormenting by their laws 
          So happy lil things to escape from the reality herethank you for your writing ✍ 


I remember when I started this I was obsessed I was like everywhere none stop talking about your work I even explain this whole story to my friend who can't read English books in my native language! 
          I remember I told her that yahhh I'm so excited like someone is hurting San like I hurt San in my fictions (I'm not  sadistic  I just love broken San idk why)
          Anyways then you stopped posting for a while and girl when you came back?
          It was like I don't know how to explain but there is a slang we use in my language for being so happy  it is:"there is a wedding up in my ass"
          Enough talking I just wanted you to know I love your work 


            As an I author myself I know this is why I should have expressed my love for this masterpiece 


omg thankyou so much sweetheart!! <3 i don't think you understand how much it means to me that you love this story so much!! ^^ 


I've been opening wattpad religiously every single day to check is there's an update, like I have a serious problem, I'm scared that you update and I'll be sleeping or in class


@yeodoongieee I was indeed sleeping, AND WHAT A CHAPTER, I felt like 127 emotions while I read it I can't wait to for the next onee


@yeodoongieee HAHA, i just updated now though so the wait is over!! hopefully you're not in class or sleeping lol


Author why cant I find Ur story anymore :(??? Did it get removed or something ???


hmm it's visible for me when i visit my profile on an another wattpad acc


i can see it on my profile so i don't think it got removed.. i can see if i can do something, i hope it's not removed