
this message may be offensive
Hey, I want to make an announcement that due to the unfortunate events that has happened by the Get Schooled creators, I have removed my story and will not be supporting the creators any longer. The deed has been done and their apology was complete shit, I do not forgive or condone such behavior. I am not sure if I will be active on this account anymore because I also do not tend to go on here as often anymore, so this might be my farewell. It was nice knowing ya. (I might come and read other books on here but that might be it.) Bye for now.


this message may be offensive
Hey, I want to make an announcement that due to the unfortunate events that has happened by the Get Schooled creators, I have removed my story and will not be supporting the creators any longer. The deed has been done and their apology was complete shit, I do not forgive or condone such behavior. I am not sure if I will be active on this account anymore because I also do not tend to go on here as often anymore, so this might be my farewell. It was nice knowing ya. (I might come and read other books on here but that might be it.) Bye for now.