


Hi! I just want to say I love your works so much. A lot of things may be going on in your life right now but I just want you to know that you're not alone in it; somebody out there is looking out for you.  You're so talented and uggh I love you and your works so much! I don't usually do this, you know the send a message thing but i just loved your stories so much i wanted to tell you personally. Hope you have a great day!  ☺️


You have a talent for writing,  a talent that shouldn't be hidden. I have been looking for months for a good fanfic that is interesting, has correct grammar and no spelling mistakes.  You have a gift of reeling people in with your words. You shouldn't give up :)


@suicidaliam thank you so much! i havent written anything at all since my last update and your comment made me really happy :) thank you so so so so much