
So I have edited 7 chapters of BNM  (Brand new me) and once I finish editing it it will be completed plus the last 2 chapters, I will take down the book and update it with the changes. It will probably end with 30 chapters in total.


So I have edited 7 chapters of BNM  (Brand new me) and once I finish editing it it will be completed plus the last 2 chapters, I will take down the book and update it with the changes. It will probably end with 30 chapters in total.


...*patiently waiting*........(5 mins later)....*checks phone for update*(no update)......*waits*..............


@kelly_rodriguez_ Thanks you for understanding. I do plan on finishing this book. I dedicated this chapter just for you btw. Take care! :)


Thank you I appreciate it, no worries I get it you got a life, most do and thank you again for updating 


@kelly_rodriguez_ Hello, I've updated just for you. I'll try my best but I have uni as well and that is my main priority at the moment. Thank you!


So I know it has been a while since I wrote anything. My 3 year old cousin just passed away due to cancer amd then there was a wedding hahaha. Good and bad things happening all in one time. Now, I will be writing as much as I can. 
          Thanks to those of you who take out their personal time to read my books :D


So for those of you who are currentlt reading my books, I will get back into writing them soon. I've just been dealing with a lot of personal issues. I start university in July so I have plenty of time to update, maybe even finish one or two of my books. Hope everything is well in your life. Heads up, be confident and know that you are beautiful! 


@zigzaxc-98 THANK YOU! I am so looking forward to your next update of 'Brand New Me'. You're an amazing author! Good luck for uni!