
i'm really happy you guys liked the ending. i'm so happy that you all stuck by my side even when i didn't update for weeks (more like months-- i'm horrible). and i'm happy to answer any questions about the characters (particularly niall and josh because we never got their story). i'll try and be more consistent with the other ones and i should probably use proper capitalization.


i'm really happy you guys liked the ending. i'm so happy that you all stuck by my side even when i didn't update for weeks (more like months-- i'm horrible). and i'm happy to answer any questions about the characters (particularly niall and josh because we never got their story). i'll try and be more consistent with the other ones and i should probably use proper capitalization.


happy eve of new years eve. i've been mia for quite some time, you can thank school for that. i really, really wanna get this final chapter of locked up tight up by either tonight or tomorrow. other than that i'm not sure when i'll update again, i barely have any time to sleep, let alone write most days.


Hi friends! I know I said school would be the best time to write because my brain works better when I'm distracted. Well, I'm in one of my super important years leading up to college and I have horrible time management skills, so writing has been off the table. I'm not going to stop, but if I don't update for what seems like years, blame school (and my poor time management). 
          ANYWAYS, if you're a fan of Locked Up Tight, I will try to get the next chapter uploaded tonight, tomorrow night, or this weekend. (For some reason my teachers love giving tests back to back, so if it's not up, I most likely had to stop writing and start studying.)
          But I've got half of a """short""" fic up. It's not like super short but it's not hella long. Check it out.
          This message was unnecessarily long and you probably have a life to get back to. Thanks for reading it, though.


Omg locked up tight is one of the BEST ziam fanfics I've ever read and that's saying something bc there's alot of ziam fanfics but yours is truly amazing and gave me MASSIVE ZIAM FEELS! Please update soon! Just wanted you to know that you're an amazing writer, keep going :)


@Ohmyziamx thank you so much! I'll try and update soon, I've just been so busy with school and trying to keep my grades up. BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ENJOYING IT :D