
Hello all! I have decided to rewrite the Rogue Luna. characters names are being changed but the over all plot is the same. I have grown a lot as a writer and feel I can give this story the justice it deserves. thank you for anyone who follows it or finds it. As always feel free to leave comments or questions on the chapters I have posted. I have hidden the ones I am working on so the character changes don't get too confusing.


Hello all! I have decided to rewrite the Rogue Luna. characters names are being changed but the over all plot is the same. I have grown a lot as a writer and feel I can give this story the justice it deserves. thank you for anyone who follows it or finds it. As always feel free to leave comments or questions on the chapters I have posted. I have hidden the ones I am working on so the character changes don't get too confusing.


I have made a few changes in the Rogue Luna chapter one and plan to continue to make changes to the other chapters. I may be deleting parts or characters. or changing personalities. and making others more major in the story. thank you for staying faithful through my absence <3


Ha it's crazy to see how we advance and grow in a year. i mean if you take a look at just my stories; the Rogue Luna has progressively gotten better, but it could still use some work.  i'm just saying that i love to see my own advancement as my life seems to be going in a constant down hill spiral. anyway that's my rant for a lifetime. have a great night y'all!!


Okay guys hopefully I will be updating soon so please if there is you think could help the story, let me know. Also if you want a change in POV in either The Rogue Luna or ChilLAX Luna let me know who and for what scene. As always, Love ya! ;)