
Part two from last message
          	To give justice to that matter, I made my own head canon. My head canon is that rather than keep the said info in a document/file inside of a computer, they keep in inside of books (tons of books as the country progresses) but the book is encrypted. It doesn’t give out direct info, some sentences may not make sense unless you know who this book is talking about and what they have done, accomplish, and looses. 
          	The only one that would know how to read the book properly would be the nation themselves, their boss (president, prime minister, King/Queen, Duke/Duchess, etc.), their boss’s second hand man (Vice President, adviser, etc.), and people who have high ranking in the government (only the ones that are nearly close to the president’s place).
          	Not all of the people who are involved in the government or military knows about nation’s existence. They only know that that specific person (the nation) held a really high position possible in the government (they could even surpass the president). But after awhile, some may catch on to who and what they are because of the lack of aging after being there for years until you’re retired and yet this guy is still the same as ever. 
          	That’s why for that matter, I say that nations rarely meet people from their government. Not much people know they even exist in the government, and those who knows better just leave them alone and give respect to them. The nations are mostly locked in their office for paperwork or either stay at the home and do their work there instead. (But some nations like maybe England, France, China, and Netherlands have that one person that is assigned to help the nation with delivering paper works and news, so they knew who the nations are and that they exist)


Part two from last message
          To give justice to that matter, I made my own head canon. My head canon is that rather than keep the said info in a document/file inside of a computer, they keep in inside of books (tons of books as the country progresses) but the book is encrypted. It doesn’t give out direct info, some sentences may not make sense unless you know who this book is talking about and what they have done, accomplish, and looses. 
          The only one that would know how to read the book properly would be the nation themselves, their boss (president, prime minister, King/Queen, Duke/Duchess, etc.), their boss’s second hand man (Vice President, adviser, etc.), and people who have high ranking in the government (only the ones that are nearly close to the president’s place).
          Not all of the people who are involved in the government or military knows about nation’s existence. They only know that that specific person (the nation) held a really high position possible in the government (they could even surpass the president). But after awhile, some may catch on to who and what they are because of the lack of aging after being there for years until you’re retired and yet this guy is still the same as ever. 
          That’s why for that matter, I say that nations rarely meet people from their government. Not much people know they even exist in the government, and those who knows better just leave them alone and give respect to them. The nations are mostly locked in their office for paperwork or either stay at the home and do their work there instead. (But some nations like maybe England, France, China, and Netherlands have that one person that is assigned to help the nation with delivering paper works and news, so they knew who the nations are and that they exist)


For all you Hetalians out there!
          Here’s my though on a headcanon that most Hetalian know me about and follow.
          You know in most Hetalia fanfiction the government keeps files about the countries and their existence plus relationship, right?
          My question is why do they even have government documentaries about a person all around the world that is at least a century old? Like, you know that if you put such classified info in that device that contains the internet people like the Mafia and others could easily hack into it with ease even after putting up strong security and viruses. 
          I sometimes wonder the government’s choices, why do they even bother to keep an info that would have no use. Sure just to add to the list of people who is involved in the government and if they leave they would have close eyes and relations with so that they don’t spill the bean. But these are countries we’re talking about, they won’t go anywhere until the country does, why bother to keep such vital info into a machine that can be hack and track? 
          //Sorry for ranting my heart out here, I am just confused why do the government do that