
Hey guys, its me 1D partner #1 and i have some bad/ sad news. 1D partner #2 will no longer be writing on this account. She doesnt want to anymore. Its for yhe best. Which means im going to clean up this account and make it good for you guys! Lol, it's only a beginning i guess you could say! Xo- 1D partner 1 


Hey guys, its me 1D partner #1 and i have some bad/ sad news. 1D partner #2 will no longer be writing on this account. She doesnt want to anymore. Its for yhe best. Which means im going to clean up this account and make it good for you guys! Lol, it's only a beginning i guess you could say! Xo- 1D partner 1 


hey guys! its 1D Partner #1, and I would like to take the time to apologize to my best friend, the one who I co-write with (1D Partner #2) and all of you guys because, for the past two months I haven't really been committed to @zayummdirection, well guys.. that's going to change because i have so many ideas, and you guys don't even know about them because I barely write on here. so, with that being said,in 2016 you guys will be reading a lot more of my writing!! xo 
          1D Partner #1