
୨⠀⠀⏜  ⠀        ❝⠀    down  the    r̲ a̲ b̲b̲ i̲ t̲   hole       go   !
          	      ‎ ‎─ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎                             [   dni replies in thread   ] ‎


main acc shortcut.


the bunny of wonderdreamㅤㅤ╱ㅤ@zaikuiiㅤㅤ━━          falling down the rabbit hole with sleepy ,  oc anon ,  rp and writing account  .  sorry this was soon long !!!!!!!   ;w;


❝                     soon the story was rewritten again , ASTERIA became the protagonist that when an ALICE slumbers becomes her until the end of the story , and are absorbed into nothingness .  hope was lost , WONDERDREAM was gone , until  , there was a SIXTH ALICE .  a girl became the character of the story and progressed on  , but she sensed something was wrong  .
          	  she switched paths of the story and recovered her lost memories ,  separating from ASTERIA . her soul escaped her body and ran towards a void  , back to her body  , but stuck in the dream .  the rabbit meets the girl under shackles she was stuck in ,  ❝ I beg of you ,  young girl , speak of me your name and help me recover this world !  ❞  .  she never wanted to be apart of this but sighed and said she'll help  .  her name was Mya and along with her companion  , a small creature named Mumu ,  and other two trapped souls  , she saved the entire WONDERDREAM .
          	  she stabbed the angel and confronted ASTERIA on her own , putting her rest .  to her , ASTERIA was a girl that reflected her  , what she wanted was someone who can relate to her, reciprocate her feelings  .   the girl opened the world and the trio were free  .  Mya who awaken from the hospital tracked the demon down when she saw she had the things she needed .  the monster was slayed  ,  but her story was left unchecked and hidden .
          	  the world was saved  , everything was back in harmony  ,   the rabbit and her companion  , a lazy and chill cat  , took care of WONDERDREAM and separated the small negative energy into a domain hidden called WONDERMARE  .  the story ended  or this was just the beginning  , when new faces will explore this place  . . .                          ❞


୨⠀⠀⏜  ⠀        ❝⠀    down  the    r̲ a̲ b̲b̲ i̲ t̲   hole       go   !
                ‎ ‎─ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎                             [   dni replies in thread   ] ‎


main acc shortcut.


the bunny of wonderdreamㅤㅤ╱ㅤ@zaikuiiㅤㅤ━━          falling down the rabbit hole with sleepy ,  oc anon ,  rp and writing account  .  sorry this was soon long !!!!!!!   ;w;


❝                     soon the story was rewritten again , ASTERIA became the protagonist that when an ALICE slumbers becomes her until the end of the story , and are absorbed into nothingness .  hope was lost , WONDERDREAM was gone , until  , there was a SIXTH ALICE .  a girl became the character of the story and progressed on  , but she sensed something was wrong  .
            she switched paths of the story and recovered her lost memories ,  separating from ASTERIA . her soul escaped her body and ran towards a void  , back to her body  , but stuck in the dream .  the rabbit meets the girl under shackles she was stuck in ,  ❝ I beg of you ,  young girl , speak of me your name and help me recover this world !  ❞  .  she never wanted to be apart of this but sighed and said she'll help  .  her name was Mya and along with her companion  , a small creature named Mumu ,  and other two trapped souls  , she saved the entire WONDERDREAM .
            she stabbed the angel and confronted ASTERIA on her own , putting her rest .  to her , ASTERIA was a girl that reflected her  , what she wanted was someone who can relate to her, reciprocate her feelings  .   the girl opened the world and the trio were free  .  Mya who awaken from the hospital tracked the demon down when she saw she had the things she needed .  the monster was slayed  ,  but her story was left unchecked and hidden .
            the world was saved  , everything was back in harmony  ,   the rabbit and her companion  , a lazy and chill cat  , took care of WONDERDREAM and separated the small negative energy into a domain hidden called WONDERMARE  .  the story ended  or this was just the beginning  , when new faces will explore this place  . . .                          ❞


Dead account. So have a dead old Prologue I might not use:
          "You daughter seems to be seeing things. There is no big bad wolf."
          ...That's all that I've been hearing from out of their mouths. "There is no big bad wolf", "There's not a single creature in here", "Your daughter must be insane". I'm not... I know what I saw, and what I saw was true. There was a wolf, and it took form of my own grandmother...
          I remember... I was grabbing some stuff to carry to her, my grandmother was ill, so she needed the best medication. My mom told me to stay with her until she could come down and watch her. My grandmother didn't live far from the big city we were in, yeah, Sunset City, so bright and cherry too. She was only two taxi stops away and lived somewhere on the other side of the city, a small cottage where people assumed she was such a sweet old lady that would give candy to you.
          Well she was. She was the sweetest grandmother, better than my grandfather to say the least. He was mean, never had a good bond with my mother, it made me rather irritated to say the least. He was nothing but a selfish stuck up man that passed away of him dying in his sleep. I didn't care. He put too much suffering into my grandmother and my mother, death was nothing more than a punishment for him.


// Also don't response here, just bomb my message board to say what you wanna say to sm like this.


// Note: Again this is old and was for a story I was writing but canceled it. It was a clash of different fiarytales and what's not, and the protag was being inspired of Little Red Riding Hood. So yeah, dark fairytales.


I pulled away as she wiped my tears. Confusion hit me, what did she want to give me? Just then, she slowly and gently pulled the top drawer of her night stand open. I saw her pull out what seemed to be a clip, a cute wolf hair clip and placed it to the side my hair. It looked like my plushie, the wolf from the story too! The Big Bad Wolf looked so cute and adorable! It made me cheer up and smile warmly. Grandma took notice of it and smiled at me.
            "The day before I fell ill... I want around and made my way into a carnival... and I bought this for your 14th brithday... but I failed to deliver it to you." Her face was filled with sadness as she looked down, then back up at me with sweetness like no other. 
            This was for my brithday...? Right. That painful day. July 13th, xxxx, the day I heard that grandma passed out and fell ill, on my own birthday, I was, so upset that day. But, this gift was perfect! I hugged her so tightly and I cried so many happy tears. My brithday is already gone, it's now November 24th, but it doesn't matter now, I got the best gift from my grandmother! That's all I care about now..
            "Grandma! It's beautiful! I love it! I-I love it so dearly! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I smiled at her.
            She looked at her and patted her head. "No worries my dear. This clip means I'm always by your side, no matter what happens... okay? Grandma... is never gonna leave you."
            "I'm never gonna take this off! Ever! I always love you grandma...!"
            "what big ears you have.
            the better to hear your voice, my dear."
            "what big eyes you have.
            the better to see your face, my dear."
            "what large hands you have.
            the better to stab you up, my dear."