
Hi everyone. 
          	So i made the decision to change my username from blossomwrytes to zackwritez, which is my nickname. I also uploaded a new cover for Letters From Prince Charming. I'm currently busy writing up a new chapter so hopefully I'll be able to upload one soon.
          	Hope everyone is healthy and safe 


Hi everyone. 
          So i made the decision to change my username from blossomwrytes to zackwritez, which is my nickname. I also uploaded a new cover for Letters From Prince Charming. I'm currently busy writing up a new chapter so hopefully I'll be able to upload one soon.
          Hope everyone is healthy and safe 


I know I'm late but oh well.
          HAPPY NEW YEAR❤️
          Here's to a much better 2021 ❤️
          Huge thank you to everyone on this platform ❤️
          And to all the amazing friends I made❤️
          I honestly wasn't going to do this whole writing thing but I'm glad I did because it is such an amazing way for me to deal with things. 
          Thank you to everyone who is still sticking around and reading my book. It means the world to me ❤️
          Wishing you all a great year ahead, stay safe❤️


Hi everyone
          I know I've been M.I.A lately but I posted a while back that I would be extremely busy with final exams and I promise to upload more frequently once I'm done.
          Luckily I only have a week and a half left if exams 
          Also I managed to post at least one chapter so if you haven't read it, check out the latest updates of Letters From Prince Charming. 
          Hope everyone is well, healthy and safe. 


Hi! I just wanted to pop by and say thank you for following me! I really hope you enjoy my book if you get the chance to read it. It’s a contemporary romance called Just Press Send. If you ever want to chat please message me or comment on my book– I love to talk about reading or writing! Have a great rest of your day!


@NikkiPierceBooks Will keep that in mind❤️❤️