
A Wattpad novella I completed recently.
          	"American Classic | Part One: mainspring" by @Orizone
          	Pop quiz: what do a time-traveling water manipulator, suburban sociopath father, ex-MMA fighter, insomniatic game developer, and dice-headed vigilante have in common?
          	What, you mean you have no idea? Don't worry, because the Oz does, and he's somehow found a way to blend ALL of his previous protagonists together into a single literary fracas that will have your head spinning before the first chapter has concluded. You want gore? Ok. How about mind-f@%$ hallucinations becoming reality? Got that, too. Throw in a little noir, dark humor, and you're all set for the holidays!
          	You'll want to check out his earlier works before diving into this one, but if you have, it's quite a wild ride!


@zacktrobertson sweet. Thanks. Will add it.


@zacktrobertson this was a brilliant review! i loved ur descriptions of the characters although you've missed out on little old valery 


A Wattpad novella I completed recently.
          "American Classic | Part One: mainspring" by @Orizone
          Pop quiz: what do a time-traveling water manipulator, suburban sociopath father, ex-MMA fighter, insomniatic game developer, and dice-headed vigilante have in common?
          What, you mean you have no idea? Don't worry, because the Oz does, and he's somehow found a way to blend ALL of his previous protagonists together into a single literary fracas that will have your head spinning before the first chapter has concluded. You want gore? Ok. How about mind-f@%$ hallucinations becoming reality? Got that, too. Throw in a little noir, dark humor, and you're all set for the holidays!
          You'll want to check out his earlier works before diving into this one, but if you have, it's quite a wild ride!


@zacktrobertson sweet. Thanks. Will add it.


@zacktrobertson this was a brilliant review! i loved ur descriptions of the characters although you've missed out on little old valery 


Where's your book, Zack? 


@zacktrobertson Good luck and take care. 


@preciouspearl20 I've taken it down temporarily while currently exploring some publishing options. It may come back, or it may not depending on how that goes.


A Wattpad novella I completed recently.
          "Ripples" by @Orizone
          Here's an offering from a Wattpad author of whom many of you are well aware. Of all the stories I've read so far, this one may be the most ambitious, though, as it applies a high-concept approach to a futuristic world ruled by water and those who control it. What set this particular story apart was the attention to detail the author paid in getting into the heads of the two competing characters, making it difficult to know exactly who we needed to be rooting for. There's also an expansive, almost majestic, quality to the world, which the author is able to bring to life using evocative imagery.
          It's definitely a wild ride and worth checking out if you're into sci-fi and water. 


@zacktrobertson Thanks for this! i just caught this now!


A Wattpad novella I completed recently.
          "A Hero's Lament" by @avenbleak
          Sometimes you read a story and although nothing in particular stood out, you still come away thinking, "You know what, that was a good story."
          This is not that kind of story.
          From the opening, cleverly titled SNS apps like "Bicker" and "Check-Dat" are dropped into the story in a nonchalant manner, letting you know you're reading something by a talented satirist. I also appreciated the other subtle references to real-world events like "Cash-Strapped Bank" the author included without feeling the need to overly explain everything.
          The action sequences, with their almost theatrical over-the-top presentation, also add to this quality with great effect. It's important to signal to readers what type of story they are reading, and the author clearly understands this principle and sticks to it. Even as the plot unfolds in a more serious direction, he never loses sight of what the story is built on, which makes for an enjoyable reading all the way through. Definitely check it out if superhero parody is your thing. 


@zackrobertson It was exquisitely done! I agree completely. ❤️✨✅⚔️


A Wattpad novel I completed recently.
          "White Matter" by @MauriceArh
          Smart writing. We know it when we see it (like other forms of content we won't speak of here), yet it can be difficult to put one's finger one exactly what makes a particular work clever. Mere complication can't be it - I've read more than a few stories that are convoluted to the point of being indecipherable even by their author. Wit certainly helps, but if you overdo it you come off more as a strutting peacock looking to flash your literary feathers than someone interested in telling a story.
          Perhaps it comes down to balance, and this is a story that does a tremendous job at weaving intricate neuroscience with high-concept gallery art without coming off as pedantic or pretentious. This is not easy to do: I've tried my hand at fusing technical matters with everyday concepts, and it usually came off as forced or just made things more confusing. In this story, however, the boundary between artist and scientist was blurred quite nicely, and helped highlight certain aspects of scientific inquiry that I had previously taken for granted.
          The story-telling is top notch as well. The author respects his reader enough not to torture us with over-the-top action sequences or derivative plot developments, instead offering a story that is so grounded and well paced that you don't notice that you are swimming in deep intellectual waters. Smart writing makes difficult material fun to read... Ironically, the simplest definition turns out to be the best one.


            Thanks guys. I appreciate the glowing review.


Great stuff and rare to find on here. Well done @MauriceArh 


@zacktrobertson Agree with Jim. Maurice is one of my favorite authors.


A Wattpad novel I completed recently.
          "The Phobos Transit Quilters Guild" by @wdhenning
          There are times when a steady hand at the wheel is what we want. Like when your flight hits a patch of heavy turbulence, or if you have to get a root canal, or when you need legal advice. Youth and it's wild energy certainly has it's advantages, but let's face it: sometimes a few gray hairs puts the mind at ease.
          This is a story where you quickly understand that this author has been here and done this before. All the beats hit at the right times, and each chapter begins and ends at just the right places. No paragraph feels out of place, nor do any character lines feel forced or contrived. It's all so well executed you don't even notice, which is great, because this lets you focus on the actual story. You know, that thing you came to read in the first place?
          Space opera is certainly not my passion, but these character feel so organic and genuine, not simply cardboard cutouts inserted to fill the plot, that it doesn't matter what genre they were put in. The story ramps up quickly, the drama ensues, and you'll be hanging on every word as the author weaves this tale of technology and human struggle together with skill of a seasoned quilter. Definitely go check it out!


@SoulFarAway Definitely worth it!


@zacktrobertson Another well written review of a book I really enjoyed too.


The next entry in this month's Halloween showcase:
          "Trick or Treat?" by @avenbleak
          Getting closer to the big night, and so why not sit down with a little treat of a tale that will disturb as much as satisfy? But be warned: the author's over-the-top style is only a mask for a deranged narrative that will leave you speechless when you finally realize what is actually going on. If you're into dark, suggestive imagery with a pinch of stylistic flair, this is definitely a story for you.


The next entry in this month's Halloween showcase:
          "From Ashes" by @MPhilbinWriter
          You know you've found a good story when it gets progressively better and better the further you read. The writer does a great job of setting the stage for this eerie little tale out of an American small town, and the intrigue only grows as the layers and backstories compound on top of the another, leaving you guessing right until the end. And to top it off, it's set right during Halloween, making it a perfect read for those looking to get into the spooky season. This is a very polished work, and I highly recommend it.


The next entry in this month's Halloween showcase:
          "Horrific Times" by @Acealpha98
          Here's a quirky story I came across recently. Part demonic, part psychological, it doesn't mind randomly mutating into a screenplay from time to time, which I found oddly refreshing. Not sure if this was the author's intent, but it sure made for an fun read. And isn't the weird and wonderful what Halloween is all about?