
going to delete some of my books that aren't doing so well/that I wrote a few years ago. I'm keeping Mates and You're My Drug for sure (I'm planning on renaming that one). Bye. 


Hi guys! So, this is weird to say, but, ive lost interest with some of my older fanfictions/books...
          I really dont want to delete them but, I don't see any other options. There boring for me to try to write! 
          So if you would like to continue the books for me, or tweek them up, just PM me and we'll figure something out! 
          Peace out Guys, Gals, and Non-Binary pals! 


Herro from another universe! Ive been a bad Author-chan! Im sorry, me and my friend are starting a web comic/book and ive been struggling (thank you brain). I also have had test after test and in a week I have End of Year Exams so! I'll get my next (horrible) chapter up for you, my bubbles! Good luck on exams, if you've already taken them then, well lucky you! 
          P.S. is it ok if I'm a frikin teachers pet 