
CHAPTER 22, 23, 24 Have been updated, jump ahead to read now !
          	Happy Reading !


Dear readers and followers 
          please note that as from today I may not be online till June or later, why? I got mugged and I'll only get a new phone near June. At the moment I'm typing from my PC . Some of you are asking yourselves why am I not writing from it. Right? Well I used to write with my phone- of line but now I don't have it and I don't have internet to keep it connected so I can't writer but I'll try to get online as much as I can to write and publish. Thanks for your support


@sleepytinker5757 THANKS SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Just keep a shortcut to the document by bookmarking it on Chrome. Whenever you want to edit the document, just click on the bookmark and it will open.


Hi! If you're looking to write your books offline, I recommend using either Microsoft Word if you have it, or you can use Google Docs. On Google Docs you have the option to keep a document available offline. Hope this helps!


CHAPTER 18 of IRON AND FLAME has been published now on to writing CHAPTER 19. And excited to reach the word count goal for book 1 which is 61k + words and counting still. The book should be finished soon and I can finally continue with the read for reads for other people that I had promised while YOU finish up on reading  IRON AND FLAME and while I plot the writing of book Two which is BLOOD AND BONE, please follow my Instagram account [link in bio] in which I'LL be doing cover reveals for book 2 once one is done 
          anyway happy reading 


Just finished writing chapter 17, it will drop tomorrow. I think I'll finish the book on the next month but I don't make any promises with that okay
          So what are y'all doing today? I'm busy searching through my dusty TBR for a certain book and I'm frustrated that I can't find it