
Hi there! Made quite some editing on a chapter 3 today and minor changes to later chapter! If you have already read it, please re-read it - plot has slightly changed ;) Kisses!


Thanks yukarichan for putting The Cyborg's Daughter on to your reading list . That comes over a little strange I guess thanking your for such a small act, but as relatively new authors we get a real buzz each and every time someone finds our work. . 
          super hugs RK+Reb


@The-Scrivener No way, super happy to get in touch with the wattpad writers! thanks for the fresh and warm message :)


Just edited the 1st chapter of my story. A new start for a cooler story! Don't hesitate to check it!! https://www.wattpad.com/story/169760816


Thank you !! Don't hesitate to comment :)


@yukarichan0005 I have just started a book as well. Good luck with this.


I have no idea how on earth did you find me but YOU ARE AWESOME!!! Thank you so much for putting ENTWINED into your reading list♡ I hope you’ll have an amazing day cos you just made mine!! It’s my baby and I really appreciate your support cos I know how it feels like to have none ♡   P.s. the second book ENAMOURED is completed and available on Wattpad ♡


@agatharoza Thank you for your cute message! It is my pleasure, I really enjoyed reading your story, it was full of so many original  ideas and interesting twists! Also, I do not personally know you, but I just love you as a person for the bubbly and energetic personality you showed in your comments and such :) Keep the good work!