
me: a jimin enthusiast
          	also me: sets both my wp accounts' username with yoongi's name


Another promotion on the way<<<
          Hey there, fellow armies 
          I'm a new writer on wattpad, and I'll be really grateful if you'll check out my first book.
          Let's support each other. If you'll follow me I'll follow you back.
          Take care♡


You are an amazing author. I want to publish a book but I don't actually know how to write it. So I searched for it everywhere. But I don't understand any of those. Then I remembered your story. This really Helps me so much. Nothing worked for me , about how to write but your book Phoebe is chefs kiss. I love that story so much. It doesn't even need 30 minuets to read it. I am stunned. It was a inspiration to my writing. THANK YOU SO MUCH.  I wish you will make a book 2 of that.


Hi am Biyernes an author who writes poems and if your interested in reading some of my works please read Mystery of the Jilted Poet and if you have time can you please read my poem called Yours, Truly