
The new chapter for BYC is out :)


I posted a new chapter for More 2yeon Oneshots. The next update for BYC is close to being finished. I just need to write the last little bit and then edit the chapter. 
          Does anyone else feel like everyone dropped off suddenly? I swear I was getting regular updates from authors almost daily and now it’s weeks before they post anything. Are we all experiencing collective writer’s block? Hahaha 화이팅!


@Gummytummy33 glad you enjoyed it! As for what happened, I wanted to leave it up to the reader’s imagination. What do they imagine  2yeon’s relationship was like with Jeongyeon’s addiction and Nayeon struggling to pull her out of it? The best way I can describe it is seeing someone you love willingly walk back into a fire after you’ve pulled them out of it. 


@jyn_eyra97 the waiting is so hard. I get motivation to write more when I’m reading other authors’ works


@yoobeepbeep27 loved the new oneshotss so many questions of what happened!! Agreeee is it writers block era?


New chapter of Before You Came is out 


@llunxxxiii Nah, your brain is just fine. It came up with Inseparable after all :)


@yoobeepbeep27 I guess I should sell my brain and buy a new one. 


@llunxxxiii I blame my overactive brain and having a boring job hahaha


Part two of the winter arc has been published in my oneshots book. I hope to release a new chapter of Before You Came by next week, possibly earlier. Y’all I missed out on signed preorders for Nayeon’s new album because I read the time wrong on the announcement *screaming crying*


@jyn_eyra97 I even set an alarm on my phone for preorders hahaha. Little did I know how wrong I was buddy 


@yoobeepbeep27 thanks buddy gonna read it but first let's crying together 


I need to rant for a second so just ignore this and go about your day. This isn’t aimed at any specific author but more at the growing trend I’ve seen. 
          AI generated stories need to go! They all sound the same and there is no feeling in it. Where’s the passion? Where’s the depth of emotion? Where the originality? I’m begging authors, trust in your own talents! Even if you feel your writing isn’t that great, write anyway. You’ll get better over time. We need to hear your unique voice, not another soulless, machine generated story. I was terrified to publish my first story because I thought it wasn’t good enough and that I couldn’t compare to the other amazing authors I’d seen, but I did it anyway. It was the best decision. I’ve grown as a writer and connected with lots of amazing people who have encouraged me and given me lots of inspiration. That wouldn’t happen if I relied solely on AI for my stories. So please for the love of all us fanfic lovers, write your own stories. 
          Ok. Rant is over. Next BYC update is in progress as well as a 2yeon oneshot chapter. Feel free to share your thoughts about AI stories.


@Qwerty_12344 what you described is exactly the feeling! I do get it, AI is fun to play with and it’s easy. You can churn out stories in a matter of minutes, but it will never beat self written stories. I feel validated now lol 


@PayalDagade 95! Let’s go!!! Lol I promise to keep relying on my own talents <3


@yoobeepbeep27 AI stories feel like you have taken the same thing, churned it and then again cooked it and fed it to us. When someone writes stories they make an image in their head and then the writing takes place. 
            Stories are like another world you live in, an escape even. AI just take away the joy. Hand written stories always sound and feel better.
            I hope people get over their AI phase because there's no point in doing something you haven't put your heart and hard work in no matter how small it is atleast it's a concious effort


I’ve organized my reading lists for those who like checking my recommendations. The next BYC update is around 40% done, and I plan to work on it a lot today so expect an update at least by next week, if not earlier. 
          Did y’all see Jeongyeon’s GQ photoshoot? She looks amazing! It was a good birthday present for me when I opened up Instagram lol (yes my birthday was yesterday) I’ve been extremely busy irl so I’m sorry for the slower updates. I don’t like keeping y’all waiting, but that’s just how life is at the moment. I hope you’re all doing well! 


@yoobeepbeep27 my pleasure! Glad to hear that buddy  it’s really a good week


@jyn_eyra97 thanks bud! I had a great birthday plus we got a lot of Jeongyeon content this week so I’m living my best life hahaha


Belated Happy Birthday Buddy! Wishing you all the best & dreams come true! ✨ 