
olivia made smth bad like y would u tell others to unfollow if i was ur ex friend? thats the thing that occured this  for lil and 
          	some ppl of her side was that you r lying come on my life is dear to me and i swear on all my life that i am not lying and this is my part or making this up and yes i am sad and also upset not on your olivia.
          	so i am not telling anyone to take anyone sides oh wait also another person said i could do my so called venting over texts well ii only have wattpad i could only say it here to my online friends
          	i just wanted to make firends and make myself social to online first then offline
          	last year i also dealt with many things like depression adn other stuff but i wont share sorry but i share as much lil as possible so dont compare problems if u dont rlly know ppl
          	another thing after all these truths and sides on my side still make u in disbelieve i have nth to say and also leave this matter if u cant fix it or it gets worse i would close this matter from today and this shaall never be spoken again 
          	i would like to spend my last days her before july 7 to 10 idk when i might be offline for months or weeks or days i am not sure but between those days i would not be online i wuld come once in a blue moon ig bc of my exams and stuff and lets all stop this and i would stop this to spend my last days with u all happily will miss u all when i eave so farewell believe me or not its alr ur chocie but pls dont call me a liar or come to me stay on ur territory and i will stay on mine 
          	and if u dont believe i was sick or had finals ask @nisasafa if u cant find the acc go to my followers and ask her on her mb if there was exams or i was sick or not 
          	i am here for a few days b4 my vacay ends.....................................


@yongbokea okay I see, tbh I saw everything that happened and ik yr telling the truth


olivia made smth bad like y would u tell others to unfollow if i was ur ex friend? thats the thing that occured this  for lil and 
          some ppl of her side was that you r lying come on my life is dear to me and i swear on all my life that i am not lying and this is my part or making this up and yes i am sad and also upset not on your olivia.
          so i am not telling anyone to take anyone sides oh wait also another person said i could do my so called venting over texts well ii only have wattpad i could only say it here to my online friends
          i just wanted to make firends and make myself social to online first then offline
          last year i also dealt with many things like depression adn other stuff but i wont share sorry but i share as much lil as possible so dont compare problems if u dont rlly know ppl
          another thing after all these truths and sides on my side still make u in disbelieve i have nth to say and also leave this matter if u cant fix it or it gets worse i would close this matter from today and this shaall never be spoken again 
          i would like to spend my last days her before july 7 to 10 idk when i might be offline for months or weeks or days i am not sure but between those days i would not be online i wuld come once in a blue moon ig bc of my exams and stuff and lets all stop this and i would stop this to spend my last days with u all happily will miss u all when i eave so farewell believe me or not its alr ur chocie but pls dont call me a liar or come to me stay on ur territory and i will stay on mine 
          and if u dont believe i was sick or had finals ask @nisasafa if u cant find the acc go to my followers and ask her on her mb if there was exams or i was sick or not 
          i am here for a few days b4 my vacay ends.....................................


@yongbokea okay I see, tbh I saw everything that happened and ik yr telling the truth


then she didnt talk to me and on my mb i did tell smth abt her she was ignoring me and i was sad that she did bc she was my first bff on wattpad then ummm she on her mb said stuff like you dont care about me i was dealing with family or suicide problems and u were never online and ur problems r nth compared to mine
          from here i got a lil mad first of all she shouldnt compare problem second i was sick and who in the right mind who touch a phn in sickness or during finals bro then i tried explaing the same thing i was sick and sorry i didnt care bc i was offline! but she herself muted me and unfollowed me
          then i was like okay its okay it happens sometimes irl then decided to move on
          no i wasnt in a relationship with her she is a girl and i am a girl i rp as felix and she hyunjin and another girl leebit was our friend i thoguht hyulix was about being bff and being with each other for a lifetime not dating 
          i was uncomfortable with her calling me baby but i didnt tell anything as for u all i call u pookie with permission and nth else 
          oh stop comparing my sadness and her sadness we r both sad no especially her or me! alright?
          and this is not lies or any mistakes
          part 2


guys first of all y were u all acting i left forever i said i had a huge journey today and i am writing rn cuz i am back rn.
          so this all things r happening as you know the thing is let me tell u in detail.
          it was in the month of may i had final exam the whole month i was fine from may 1 to 11 and i was still frnds with ihearthyunlix we would talk to gether but suddenly i left i had a fever of 105 celcius and also had finals to promote to another class i had finals so with these sickness obviously i left wattpad and couldnt touch my phone and my phone was taken away .
          and within this sickness my final started at may 12 i may have gone on a huge hiatus despite my sickness and studies. and i had uti and stuff i was on low blood cells.
          i have a question if u had sickness uptp 105 fever with a disease or a thing called uti and low on blood cells with finals would u be online on wattpad? 
          anyways so from that time maybe olivia  was texting me in my mb with R U OKAY ? i saw that after may 31 or 29  then i replied yeah i was okay dont worry.
          another question imagine u had these in ur life within ur final with no time to study or only 30 mins to study and always lie down on bed just hopeless would u care to come on wattpad? i felt bad for not studying or with 30 mins of studying then going to finals hoping i wont fail and repeat the class 
          now to another topic meanwhile i didnt reply to her in the whole month bc of u know so when i came back she talked to me by saying "i cheated on you" with torrey i was confused ngl but i was her frnd ik but i decided to play along like saying oh okay or y did u do this i thogut it was a apart of a rp 
          part one


@yongbokea Hmm okay, imma read the rest


I don't know whats going on between you and Olivia but chill that you


@LeeTorreyKnow Ty for being reasonable lol, I tried telling this to other ppl they fought me ;-;