
something i don't understand is how people STILL like my tom holland and peter parker stories wHEN THEY AREN'T EVEN THAT GOOD. LIKE GUYS, I HAVE BETTER STORIES PUBLISHED
          	anyways, please go follow my new account @roseyelii


hey everyone! 
          as you may have noticed, I unpublished my stories on my 'my hero academia' book and if you didn't notice, well I did.
          I started a new account so that way I have a fresh start for stories. I'm going to be republishing my stories from that book onto my new account. 
          so if the stories look familiar, don't be alarmed! it's just me. anyways my new account is roseyelii :D
          please go follow and be patient for my stories to be republished. and if you're interested in avatar: the last airbender and the legends of korra, im whipping up together a book for it and im super excited.
          ive had a great time on this account and im thankful for all of the followers but I need a new audience. the only books of mine people pay attention to are the IT/Stranger Things book and my tom holland book. im not really sure why people like those anyways since they aren't very good but thank you for the reads and votes. 
          it really means a lot to me but now its time for new beginnings. 


this message may be offensive
if you dont support the black lives matter movement, kindly block me. and i mean that in the most disrespectful way possible. its sad that people of color even had to make a movement to FIGHT FOR THEIR LIVES and GAIN HUMAN DECENCY. yet America's president decides to hide in a bunker and run away from America's problems. fucking disgusting. i am disgusted by this country i live in.