
New novel, don't forget to leave a comment 


A twenty five year old man died of old age.
          How is this possible???


@yellowcan3dy You gotta think out of the box … unless there’s no box ofc lmao 


@LookingTowardsTheSun well, it is a actually a riddle. And 100 times the age, that's correct but why so??


@yellowcan3dy well Idk tbh , if by any mean it were a riddle I would say because he actually was 20x times 5 (100 years old) , and if it’s a real question then Idk he might have had a disease or smh 


Hehe thanks for voting ......
          I hope you read further chapters it's a HATE-LOVE story na 


@Vaishnavisingh11 it's partly English and Indiana or whatever the other language is. I just like the description and story line that why I voted for it. You are an amazing author by the way.


Someone just blocked me and am wondering why. 
          Is my profile bad or am I doing anything wrong?
          This is so frustrating. Putting your enter hope on Wattpad to be a writer and nothing good comes out 
          Now I have to go buy tissues.


@yellowcan3dy yeah , well also other kind of people I would desire not talk abt , I mean I don’t want to scare you away from this app tbh but rather I just want you to beware of the dangers existing in Wattpad (there are also a lot of good things so don’t worry at all)


@yellowcan3dy omg, people like that exist here? I've been so naive, thanks for the tip, can  we talk privately?


@yellowcan3dy Er , don’t see it negatively tho , I mean there’s a lot of users here and ofc we cannot get everyone to like us or our works (Trust me , I’ve been here for 4 years and Ik what Im talking abt) and well abt the bots they are usually accounts with a black/white/grey based theme and with weird pfp’s and “books”, they usually have thousands of followers and their bios are in Turkish and similar languages , they just follow people randomly (For example when someone gets their follower number raised up quickly is normally because bots have followed them) and then unfollow just to get people to follow them back , basically that’s a summary of what they are more/less 