
Updated "You and Me (A Connor McDonough Love Story)" today! I'd appreciate if you gave it a read! :)


Please please please continue your Toby McDonough story! There are people who read it, it let's me escape. You are an amazing author. Never quit! ❤️


I've been really busy with school lately which is why I haven't written much but I may have sometime today (& it's almost Christmas break) to update more! I'm really in the mood to write it's just finding time and inspiration to. Hopefully I can get a chapter up soon! Thank you so much for the kind words it makes me happy beyond belief that my writing can actually do/be something for others! 


I will try my very best to update all my stories this week! So hopefully I'll find time and inspiration for Let Me Help You Help Me (A Toby McDonough Love Story), Unexpected (A Riley McDonough Love Story), and You and Me (A Connor McDonough Love Story)!  I also want to thank all of you who continue to read my story, it means the world to me! 


@BYEmarkie they are not finished however I am trying to update them as often as I can! It's been a busy couple of weeks for me so I haven't updated much but I will try my best to update more frequently. Thank you for understanding and I hope you enjoy my stories so far! :)


@y0heartz_up No problem!!! Can't wait for the update!!