
hey soooo guess who just posted a new story!! please go check it out and comment if you want part two!!


reading my books NOW like YEARS later…. I now know why they’re so cringe and people don’t finish reading them  lol. that’s why I don’t update anymore. y’all are so damn mean. y’all critic the most on my stories not understanding I was a little over 12 when I wrote some of these books. 


hiiiii i just wanna tell u i really love ur stories!!!and plllease keep writing!!!!ur works surely deserves better!!! btw i also kinda wanna know if you are interested in collaborating w/ us as we are now trying to create a new online readers' community☻ pllllease let me know what you think and have a good day♡♡♡


Are you going to continue the storie??


@Eliorahillis just updated w two chapters!


Hey! which one?


Hey so Wattpad decided to remove one of my stories which was the one named Kidnapped .... After years of that book being posted they decided that it didn’t comply or something with the guidelines so they removed it. Sorry guys.


@xzadeas They deleted one of mine, had over 4K reads. One chapter had a rape scene  with girl 16. So I'm reposting. Changing age and some content. Luckily I write everything in Word, save to drive. However it's a pain to repost all of it. 
            Sorry they took it down. 