
this message may be offensive
Just wanted to drop by and say that I find you cool. Despite the whole Fiji misunderstanding shit XD. And btw- I have a question. What country are you from and why would you be learning about Fiji anyways? I thought Fiji was quite small and insignificant compared to the rest of the world. Hell- I didn't even know people in other countries watched documentaries on Fiji for school projects and lessons or what ever..?


@ _FairyTail101_  Yap the internet is pretty damn cool xD I mean I didn't think I would ever speak with someone from Fiji xD Nice to meet you ^^


Germany? :O .. GODDAMN! Can't believe I'm chatting to a person that's on the other side of the world !... It's pretty amazing now that I think about it XD.  Anyways. Nice meeting you xxxlixxx. Stay blessed ! ^_^ 


@ _FairyTail101_  Well our teacher was in America and saw the Fiji water and did research for our geography lessons and told us the wrong information xD I think he was wondering why it was so expensive or something. I must admit I didn't know Fiji before we talked about it xD And I'm from Germany 