
I've gain some motivation but not enough to write X3 but this novel is not dead. I just need attention of course QwQ


I apologize for not updating Haven. I just got accepted to a college entrance for next year in January.
          So, that means no update for 2 months. I'll be really on hiatus. Sorry for the delay, and I'll keep up on drafting my novel as much as possible. 
          And I'm quite losing my motivation to write, just a little. 


I'll try to update my Haven on weekends, as possible.
          I'm really happy and motivated to write by the people who really supported my work/novel. Well, I'm only human, and a person as well, doing my passion for writing.
          So, thank you. 
          On the updates of Haven, I will not be updating for now. I'm over-fatigue due to school works and group projects. Let's say na mahirap magmanage ng group project, especially in research if most of your groupmates(not all of them) are illiterate. I'll try to respect that some people are not as literate as I and others, but don't abuse us to do all the work just because we can get the job done. 
          I might be on hiatus but I will continue to keep drafting before I publish new chapters. 
          It's kinda ironic that it's been a year since I didn't update my story but supports really helps me tho ^w^.


This is gonna be my first making an announcement with this account. 
          It's been a year since I published Haven. A really long time QwQ.
          My first announcement is that I've made a lot of major changes in the story of Haven; putting a lot of details to make some sense, including the environment and cultures that will play a major role in the story. 
          Since there are 2 worlds, this is gonna be hard work of world-building. I've re-read my stories many times and I still there are some terrible mistakes in there, and I can't stop myself from feeling that this needs to change. 
          If you want to know which part I revised, I'll be putting it on top of the headline, for example "Chapter 1 [Revised]" so that you won't miss the major changes because the major changes will play a big role in my world-building. (;´༎ຶw༎ຶ`)
          Plus, I have updated Haven on my draft before I release it, in case if you are asking if there are any updates, yes, there are. 
          My 2nd-second announcement from my Fangan Series, I wouldn't be able to continue because this includes a lot of precise murder methods and artwork that I'll be working on, and I know I have made a lot of mistakes in the 1st Trial. 


Congratulations on taking first place in fantasy horror. I wasn’t even sure why I even had first in the first place. 


You’re welcome. I’ll try to catch up. As of late, I’ve temporarily stopped since my stories will be implemented into a game but keep up the good stories. 


@TenkoDraecon and thank you for the follow too. 


@TenkoDraecon ohh~ maybe your story is good tho. 