
I’m so sorry to anyone who actually reads these announcements or who reads my stories. i haven’t updated in a while, i’ve been so busy and then when i’m not busy i’m doing things like watching Gilmore Girls. Schools about to start so idk when i’ll be able to write more but i hope y’all don’t mind


I’m so sorry to anyone who actually reads these announcements or who reads my stories. i haven’t updated in a while, i’ve been so busy and then when i’m not busy i’m doing things like watching Gilmore Girls. Schools about to start so idk when i’ll be able to write more but i hope y’all don’t mind


I don’t know if you guys have heard. But Jeremy Renner got into a really bad snow plow accident and his legs got ran over, he lost a ton of blood. Just let me tell you, I literally cried when i found out All I can hope is that he makes a full recovery, sending all my prayers and love to you Jeremy. 


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Happy New Year Y’all!!!! It’s finally 2023! The shit year of 2022 is done. I know I tend to say I’ll post more and stuff for my stories, but i’m not gonna lie this time. I did however finally update a short little chapter for my bucky book. Yesterday I also decided that I wanted to start reading Clint Barton books because i finally decided to watch Hawkeye after putting it off, and I LOVE him so freaking much. Although I did just see a heartbreaking chapter from one of the books I was reading and literally started bawling. Too much emotional turmoil and i had to stop reading it, i know I’m a wuss. But lots of love, i hope this year is kickass for all of us


Well, I’ve officially finished middle school! And congratulations to all my friends who also get to move onto high school! 
          I’ve really been trying to improve my writing for my books I’m trying to kick off my Bucky FanFic with a fantastic new chapter. It’s been really hard, but I think I might be getting somewhere. 
          So schools almost out and I wish all of you a happy summer!


Hey y’all!! Ik that I ain’t been around lately. And I’m really sorry that I haven’t been able to update, but it’s been a really hard time lately. And even though I have not updated I see that more of you are starting to read my books!! It makes me really happy to see that people are enjoying my stories. Anyway school is coming to an end. Only one more month!!! It’s been really hectic getting so much work to be done and then I have 8th grade graduation! I really wish I had more chapters up for my newest book and I will try working on it! But for now I send you all my best wishes and love.