
Getting locked out of wattpad for 2 days and coming back to 373 notifications is wild 


this message may be offensive
Y’all March has been one hell of a month for me. I went to the emergency room, had to get back on my anxiety meds (MENTAL HEALTH MATTERS!!!), my dad had heart surgery, I had a birthday, I got a promotion & i’m currently transitioning into that role. Pleeeease bear with me while I get my shit together LOL


@xx_bmrxx_ you are literally powering through everything amazingly bestie, you can do this!! 


@xx_bmrxx_ take your time and just know that you are loved and supported! my pms are always open if you need someone to talk to! ❤️❤️


To those I owe replies to, I’m so sorry. I’m emotionally exhausted and I don’t want to give half of myself to my responses. I’m dealing with some mental health stuff at the moment & hopefully I’ll be somewhat back to normal tomorrow. 


Update I finally put in my request to be off for vacay & it was fine LMFAO


@evanbuckleys honestly !!! I have the most chill boss ever and I still have a full on panic attack prior to asking off lmaooo


no but why is it so scary to do that hahah


Does anybody else have literal anxiety requesting off for work or is it just me ??? 


@xx_bmrxx_ I do because my one coworker gets so mad when I take a day off because one of her people has to come and do my job and she gets pissed because she can’t hide in the office sexting her boyfriend and get a free paycheck