
Hey all! Sorry it's been forever! I just finished with exams and school.. Soooo that means I have the whole summer to write. I promise an update will be soon! Hopefully Monday so I can try to stick to posting on Mondays. If you're still with me, or even if you're not, thank you so so so SO muchhh! Love you all xx


Hey all! Sorry it's been forever! I just finished with exams and school.. Soooo that means I have the whole summer to write. I promise an update will be soon! Hopefully Monday so I can try to stick to posting on Mondays. If you're still with me, or even if you're not, thank you so so so SO muchhh! Love you all xx


Hey y'all! So I know it's been way over a month from when I posted a story, but guess what I just posted one! I know it's short, but I promise I will have one posted by next or a week from next monday!! Thanks so much to everyone who reads! It means so so so SO muchhh! 50 reads on I Pinky Promise!! WHAWHO! Thanks!


Hey all! I know I'm terrible:( And probably clogging your inbox's. I probably won't post until Monday... I'm so super sorry! It's been like a month; life just caught up with me. I'll have a new chapter up soon, I PROMISE! Whether you're still hanging in there or not- Thank you so so SOOOO very much! LOVE YOU ALL!! <3


Hey y'all! So tomorrow is Monday anddd I've barley got anything/: I'm so sorry! I'll try to write my butt off tomorrow after school, but I might just have to push posting later into the week. I've had a really full two weeks, this week though I don't have volleyball practice so it'll give me more time to write. I just really need to push my grades from border line A+ to and an actual A+. Thanks so much for all your support. 41 reads on IPP and 70 reads on ACE, wow!


Okay, I suck. I suck. I suck. I suck. I know I said I would have Chapter 2 of I Pinky Promise... up yesterday, then I said I'd have it up today. Buttt I just don't have it in me to finish it tonight. I promise I'll have it tomorrow! I'm trying not to make this just a two page chapter. Please bear with me, Thank you so much for those of you reading!


Hellooo everyone! For those of you reading I Pinky Promise... this is going to be the story in continuing on. I'm going to try to start posting more often. I don't have any of it prewritten though, so that's why it's taking me forever. Maybe every two weeks I'll post. I'm try to put an hour away for writing on the weekends and at least thirty minutes for schooldays. Let's see how this goes! Thanks for everyone reading! 23 reads and 4 votes! Sure, may seem not that much compacted to great authors like Reekles and SCCourtney, but to me it's amazing! All I can say is thank you from the bottom of my heart (: it means a tremendous amount to me. 


Hey guys, for those who read my stories; I'm so appreciative. I have the prologues up of my four idea stories and the first chapter of I Pinky Promise... is up. I think I like that story best out of all the five I've started. So, I'm judt going to continue on it. Any advice, constructive criticism or whatever is a huge help. Thanks!