
@Fiona5001 I think I made a tiny misunderstanding >.<' I don't take any Japanese classes, I'm teaching myself. My sister's the one taking classes, and sometimes she will help me out. But you're right - it is fun learning Japanese! (: I would like to learn the Kanji chart, but it's an absolute nightmare! *fake whimpers* (x I can do the Hiragana and Katakana chart, though. I like playing with the Katakana chart so I can spell out foreign words and names and stuff :D I'm blabbing *looks at message* OMG that's a long message ahaha :x


@Fiona5001 I think I made a tiny misunderstanding >.<' I don't take any Japanese classes, I'm teaching myself. My sister's the one taking classes, and sometimes she will help me out. But you're right - it is fun learning Japanese! (: I would like to learn the Kanji chart, but it's an absolute nightmare! *fake whimpers* (x I can do the Hiragana and Katakana chart, though. I like playing with the Katakana chart so I can spell out foreign words and names and stuff :D I'm blabbing *looks at message* OMG that's a long message ahaha :x


@Fiona5001 I can't say I know everything. I started learning a two months ago. My sister also has Japanese classes and she's taking it more seriously, so she's helping me along the way. I just thought learning Japanese would be fun (: I know about the Hiragana and Katakana charts, and I know how to spell my name, my family's name and my friend's name in Japanese - and many more!