Hey well I don't know what to say......
I'm not interesting but I LOVE FOOD!!! YOU TOUCH MY FOOD U DIE!!! Simple as that c: I'm in love with a British Irish boyband I think you might know them?? Yea they have a curly hair lad from Cheshire has deep dimples that I want and everyone wants the dirty with and one with side swept quiff who used to wear stripes from Doncaster , then there's one with a quiff that he recently grew and ditched the small quiff from Wolverhampton , then there's one who has jet black hair with a girlfriend that's in a girl band and is vain but is what people call the British version of ken from Bradford , last but not least my future husband the blonde one with brunette roots has a Irish accent and got braces , change himself bc haters didn't love him for the way he was??!!!!! And my definition of perfection and is from Ireland. Yeah? Do you know them? Anyway hey my name is sugeily. (Sue-heily). Ya I'm 17 and I'm from Cali
I can speak Spanish ,English of course ,and French (not fluently tho)
um that's it basically
oh I forgot... I love jb but.....
I fudging love 1 motherfucking D more c:
  • InscritJanuary 15, 2014