
If I were to rewrite my eddsworld fanfic would y’all be interested~?


I know people don't typically have responses to these but I felt like posting this anyways. 
          I haven't been writing for long, and I know I took a break which is why I say "for long" but I'm honestly curious. Do you guys actually like what I write?


@ElizabethNeufeldt Hope the suspense didn’t kill ya, I knew I took a break from writing and as you can see, I’ve returned! I decided to take a new direction for the story because... more surprises? I try <3 
            what you’ve said means so much to writers, and I noticed you also defending other writers. I believe in one post you said you were a writer? I think you should give posting another shot, if your “speeches” prove anything is that you’re really talented with words. <3


@xshadowedheartsx That is great to hear. I'm glad. With most writers I come across, readers seem to have no regard for the writers, minding only their own impatience. Always rushing them, not reading authors notes, then getting upset about the things they didn't read. Not to mention not taking the time recognize or acknowledge the authors talent. To be honest it frustrates me. People have live of their own, and that needs to be taken into consideration.
            Anyway I appreciate that fact that you replied to me, or even took the time to read what I wrote, I know I can tend to be long winded, but I always feel that there is more to be said. And its understandable every one needs a break, for example my mother has been taking it easy at work because she has a surgery next week to take care of a 4X4 Hernia, that's been throwing her life around, and mine with it.
            But I hope you enjoy your vacation and make the most of it. You are a very talented person, don't take yourself for granted.


@ElizabethNeufeldt That really means quite a lot, "Mine" has taken so long for the next update due to me being on vacation plus school piling up. I think a surprise might be in store though.