
@brebae99 I don't laugh about everything and you don't know what your talking about. You need to step back and leave me alone okay? You're 9. Why should you be waisting your time on me and why should I waiste my time on you? I shouldn't because you're 9 and you're just a little kid. I'm gunna be 13 so don't you dare call me a kid because I'm gunna be a teen. Anyways. Bye


@brebae99 I don't laugh about everything and you don't know what your talking about. You need to step back and leave me alone okay? You're 9. Why should you be waisting your time on me and why should I waiste my time on you? I shouldn't because you're 9 and you're just a little kid. I'm gunna be 13 so don't you dare call me a kid because I'm gunna be a teen. Anyways. Bye