
I just finished my cover in 3 days so props to that. And ummm why did no one tell me that there's an app to make covers?!! I just did it all on picsart and ugh


@mystical-b3ar Hi I'm on pics art. On the same name. I'll follow you back 


Wait, I thought you had a book...


Okay good luck then!


@PBbunnypower yeaa I did, but I'm currently putting it on hold. My inspiration has run dry :/// I'm hoping I can publish soon though 


Oi, eu sou a Fran... Minha vida sempre foi repleta de conflitos e confusões, mas o amor... Eu nunca tinha entrado nesse mundo e... Nesse momento eu estou perdida!! Não sei se escolho minha primeira paixão misteriosa ou se fico com o meu ídolo... Pode me ajudar por favor? Só entrar nesse link e ler essa história que você já estará me fazendo refletir sobre o que devo fazer! Agradeço desde já, pedacinho de cocada!! 


Hallo :) I just started writing a new book and I was wondering if you could check it out and let me know what you think. It is called "The Phantom Alpha".  I would really appreciate your feedback❤️
          Hope you have a lovely day x


I also wanna say that it takes so much time because I really don't want to be pressured and rushed to write. I really want to enjoy it and I also want to make sure that there are no loopholes in the plot line. I really hope you're all gonna enjoy it.