
Been so long since I've been on here. Life's changed a lot. Got a lot sadder and harder. I sound so happy and silly reading past me, makes me sad. I hope everyone who reads my this is blessed and doing awesome.


This person was throwing away a practically brand new vacuum!!!! She only used it ONCE!She said it was because she was moving and didn't need it.So why throw it away????So I took it and cleaned it and its perfect.


What a perfectly good waste of a vacuum. There are children in Africa with vacuumless cleaning utensils.


* Night Time* .....I was watched an awesome anime,then something horrible happened.I felt this crawling feeling on my arm,I looked down and it was this HUGE....Flying ANT!!! I freaked out and ended up killing my poor headset in the process LOL :(


Part of my job today was to see if a select few were either checking out or staying.Its so the hotel could stay ahead and get everything ready for the guest.But people are just SO MEAN and RUDE. Two slams of the door and one really mean "no im staying"...MEAN PEOPLE..MEANIES!!!