
Attention to all "Rebellious Soul" readers! The book is no longer on hold! I will be updating all of my stories, as often as every weekend! Sorry for the long wait!


So recently I started to investigate a little more into Tupac and I'm gonna start writing a story about him. IT IS NOT NONFICTION. THERE ARE PROVEN FACTS BUT THE BOOK IS FICTION & BASED OFF MY OWN THEORETICAL CONCLOUSIONS.


Oh & another thing, in 'For The Road' it won't be POVs anymore. It's all gonna be omniscient. I feel it's more detailed and enjoyable that way but if you guys don't like it, I'll go back to POVs. Just try it out first.


I need some more reads & votes! Broadcast my stories please! Tell ya mama, ya Aunties, ya sisters, ya cousins, ya bestfriends, & ya Granny too! But yeah the next chapter to 'For The Road' will be posted later & 'Rebellious Soul' too. Okay y'all but please advertise! 


I've been thinking, and I decided that I'm not going to do a sequel to Enemies well at least right now. After this I'm either going to start a Mindless Behavior Fanfic or a regular story. Which one either those or I can just start the sequel as soon as this book is done. Let me know. Majority rules.