This girl hates

Donald Trump,


and society's idea of beauty.

Telling someone with

-anxiety to 'just stop worrying'

-depression to 'just be happy'

-insomnia to 'just go to sleep'

-anorexia to 'just eat'

-bulimia to 'just keep it in'

-self harm issues to 'just stop cutting'

-problems to 'just get over it'

is like stabbing yourself in the stomach with a massive knife, saying 'just stop bleeding' and then immediately feeling better.

It's not how it works ok?

Depression is the worst kind of killer. It corners you at night, or when you're all alone, and slowly eats away at any shred of happiness it can find, until there's nothing left, but pain, and eventually death.

Vielleicht bin ich gar nicht traurig, sondern Manuel Neuer.

Schon seltsam, dass ein Organ das eigentlich nur Blut pumpen sollte so sehr wehtun kann.

Depression is a war. You either fight and come out with battle scars, or you die trying.
  • Neverland
  • JoinedNovember 27, 2015

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