
Hi, friends! 
          	As previously mentioned, I am starting fresh on my new account, @preciousprattle. Please follow that account for my newer work. My HetaOni fan fiction (now titled “Unraveling the World | Hetaoni (Hetalia x Reader)) will be uploaded there. Because I am starting new, this may be my last post/update to this account.
          	I want to thank you so much again for all the support you have given me over the years. I appreciate everyone who has or ever will read, comment, or like my work, and who is or ever will read this! i am so grateful for you.
          	As for my writing, I am going to upload three new chapters to the HetaOni fan fiction tonight to my new account! Please check it out if you are able to! 
          	If you do choose to follow me to my new account, please know that I am excited to continue going on this adventure with you, dear Reader, and to grow together as writers and readers as we carry on in life! Thank you so much!


Hi, friends! 
          As previously mentioned, I am starting fresh on my new account, @preciousprattle. Please follow that account for my newer work. My HetaOni fan fiction (now titled “Unraveling the World | Hetaoni (Hetalia x Reader)) will be uploaded there. Because I am starting new, this may be my last post/update to this account.
          I want to thank you so much again for all the support you have given me over the years. I appreciate everyone who has or ever will read, comment, or like my work, and who is or ever will read this! i am so grateful for you.
          As for my writing, I am going to upload three new chapters to the HetaOni fan fiction tonight to my new account! Please check it out if you are able to! 
          If you do choose to follow me to my new account, please know that I am excited to continue going on this adventure with you, dear Reader, and to grow together as writers and readers as we carry on in life! Thank you so much!


Hi friends!
          I’ve been meaning to say this for a while, but ignore the 1000+ stories in my Works section! I don’t know why Wattpad keeps duplicating my stories (it’s been happening for a while now). I apologize for the confusion!
          I have a made a new account to start anew. It’s called @preciousprattle. I will be trying to post my HetaOni story and update there too! I may or may not move some of my old poetry from this account too.
          I love you guys. May God bless you all. I truly apologize for not updating. I have been having a difficult time lately. I hope life has been treating you all well. 
          Thank you for staying with me and encouraging me even when I don’t deserve it. You all are amazing.
          Stay strong,


@QuentinRosver i know, isn’t it strange? Thanks for mentioning it though, it reminded me to message my followers about it after more than a year of putting that off for more than a year. Anyway, have a nice rest of your day ♥︎


@xatouchofrostx yee cuz I was weirded out on how there were 1.54k stories that are the same story lmao


Hello! I was really meaning to ask something; I have been away from Wattpad for more than a year and I was checking my account library and remembered your HetaOni fic. I’m curious, did you give it up? İt’s been very long since you updated, but I would like you to know your writing was amazing and feelable. Thank you.


Hi! No, I haven’t given it up. I’m working on it still. You may have noticed that my profile says I have 1000+ works and that’s impossible to fix anymore, so I’ve made a new account called “preciousprattle”, I think. I haven’t uploaded the story yet- I’ve been procrastinating terribly about it. But I have created a few chapters and have been working on it more and more recently. I really do appreciate you asking about it! That makes me feel nice, that people still remember it. I will try to upload soon- hopefully this week or next week. Thank you for asking about it! It kind of reminded me to actually get to it. Again, I really appreciate it! Have a nice day ♥︎


Hi. Can ya take a look at my new story called to the dead boy? Feedback would be great! Thanks.
          by the way how did you get to write/publish do many books? it's kinda creepy lol ☺


Sure, I'll check it out!
            I've been here for a while, haha. Most of them are short poems so it seems like a lot more than it is :)


Guys?? I'm kind of freaking out a little because for some reason my HetaOni fic isn't showing up in my works list on Wattpad?? And it only shows up if you look up my name in the Wattpad search bar?? And to top it off Pages won't let me open the file for some reason (I think it might have been corrupted)?? 
          Is this happening to anyone else? And what do I do? I don't want to lose any of my writing. I was even thinking of publishing the next chapter today. I thought it was my wifi because that's been messed up for a while and I'm getting a new wifi connection next week, but Google+ is working & other stuff seems to be working too all except the one file of my fanfiction on Pages and all my recent works on Wattpad.
          Sorry for freaking out on you guys, but I am really concerned about this. Please let me know if this has happened to you or anyone else or if you have any advice on what to do. Thanks & sorry again, guys.


@xatouchofrostx Don't worry friend! Maybe it will stop soon!


@grimwolf1 I honestly have no idea. I don't really like it because I don't know how to stop/prevent it...


@xatouchofrostx Don't worry I like it! I just find interesting that it duplicates...Why does it anyways?