
I've decided not to update Rain Serum until I have all the remaining chapters written and the existing ones edited. Sooooo next time I update it, the story will be finished!


@CravingDementia Oh my god, hey! :D Thanks so much I actually just can't believe it got to 2K. I'm more than happy cx
          TAFA has been making me feel so guilty lately :'( (1) I don't have a working keyboard at the moment so I have to either write it on my phone or on an onscreen keyboard aaaaand (2) I think I have reverse writers block. Where there's just so many things to write that I'm not sure which to choose first :c 
          But I do have 50% of the chapter written from before sooo hopefully you'll see an update soon! I'm gonna do my best tomorrow :)  Hopefully you're not too disappointed with me :'(


Srsly, if you don't update soon, I'm getting into your account and writing the next chapter for you. Js xo


@hi_im_chloe_ No thx I don't want my characters to spoNTANEOUSLY DIE.
            And as a side note, I'm actually at my nan's house until Friday so be expecting approximately 2 new chapters.