
Hi everybody! Jut an apology and an announcement to say that I'm sorry I haven't published Two Of A Kind in so long, but you see my phone is broken at this moment in time so I can't, but I should be able to get back to writing in the new year, so sorry, I wish you all the best and hope you have happy holidays! 


Hey! Did you remove Two of a Kind? It won't load the chapters!


I did yes, I’m really sorry as I know there was a lot of people keen on it but it was just too much for me alongside my studies, when I have the time to consistently upload and less pressure on myself I will think about reuploading it, hope you understand, thanks xx


So i was reading TWO OF A KIND yesterday and saw that it was last updated while back but i continued to now i can't stop thinking,i would is there for me read more anytime soon?


Hi! Yes I will hopefully be updating soon, I think life has just gotten in the way quite a lot for me right now and my priority is getting into university right now, but I will try my best to get something out soon! Thank you! 


Hi everybody! Jut an apology and an announcement to say that I'm sorry I haven't published Two Of A Kind in so long, but you see my phone is broken at this moment in time so I can't, but I should be able to get back to writing in the new year, so sorry, I wish you all the best and hope you have happy holidays! 


Hey guys! Just a little announcement to say that I've made an Instagram account that I think you should all go follow  it's @x_megnog_x (the same as my wattpad name) and I'll be posting sneak peaks of 'Two Of A Kind' as well as any of the most popular scenes from it, artwork of it, etc. I will also be posting other story sneak peaks and ideas. Basically it's just a way you can join me on my writing journey, so please, give it a follow, I promise I'll try follow you back! 
          Sincerely, Meg x


Hello everyone, I just wanted to say that I've deleted all of my work apart from my story Two Of A Kind (which you should definitely read) because I simply wasn't happy with any of it and wanted to change my genre focus and what I'm about to historical fiction/romances. I'm sorry if this upsets you if you were in the middle of reading something of mine, but please be understanding. Thank you x