
Quick Update!!!
          	Hello everyone! I know no one asked for it, but I feel I need to let you all know what's been going on so you don't think I'm abandoning any of my stories.
          	Just a few weeks ago, I graduated from Uni and finally finished my with my minor. I've got two weeks of freedom before I go back to finish up my major, and I  had spent the past week job hunting while making sure everything else is in order before going back to school.
          	In my down time I have been trying to get back into writing, but I've been having a hard time trying to get the creative juices flowing. I've been writing for a couple other fandoms besides Hetalia like SnK and LoZ, but I'm trying not to put out any more new stories at the risk of forgetting about what I've already started. Nevertheless, I have been working on each story a little bit at a time, it's just really frustrating when you've got writers block.
          	So yeah...that's basically what's going on (I'll spare all the minor nonsense), but just out of curiosity what story should I focus on updating first? I can't promise I can get to it, but I'll try my hardest to get an update out (hopefully) this week!


I don't even know how long it's been since I took a read at the Norway x Reader fix you have just wondering if you planned on finishing it :) 


@xXdovahkiin Oh my! I love the new update, it's  and you got the dynamic correct. Love your work.


@DeuceSpade57 Your so sweet ^^; I honestly didn't think that story was all that good, but it's nice to hear that you like it ^^
            I'm nearly done, so expect to see an update tomorrow at the latest!


@xXdovahkiin it's perfectly fine, I just really loved that story and I had it in my library on this account and another one for some while, but I'm alright with waiting for the next chapter :) btw I really love your writing.


Quick Update!!!
          Hello everyone! I know no one asked for it, but I feel I need to let you all know what's been going on so you don't think I'm abandoning any of my stories.
          Just a few weeks ago, I graduated from Uni and finally finished my with my minor. I've got two weeks of freedom before I go back to finish up my major, and I  had spent the past week job hunting while making sure everything else is in order before going back to school.
          In my down time I have been trying to get back into writing, but I've been having a hard time trying to get the creative juices flowing. I've been writing for a couple other fandoms besides Hetalia like SnK and LoZ, but I'm trying not to put out any more new stories at the risk of forgetting about what I've already started. Nevertheless, I have been working on each story a little bit at a time, it's just really frustrating when you've got writers block.
          So yeah...that's basically what's going on (I'll spare all the minor nonsense), but just out of curiosity what story should I focus on updating first? I can't promise I can get to it, but I'll try my hardest to get an update out (hopefully) this week!


I'm sorry everyone. I've been finishing up school, and so it's been taking me a while to update my stories. At the moment, I am about 90% done with part 2 of my Nordics X Child!Reader (I had to rewrite it if you recall my last update), but I just can't find a good way to end the dang chapter!
          As of now, I'm done with the "school" part of school, and am currently applying for externships. This means I have a lot more time to write and such, so please continue to stay patient. It truly means a lot to me to see that there are people who support my silly stories so once again Thank You All!!! ^^


I'm not sure what happened, but I was writing part 2 my Nordics x Child!Reader and...it disappeared... It 's just gone. I started it, had to stop about half-way so I saved it, and closed the window. I come back an hour  or so later and *poof!*... a good hour and a half's worth of writing is all gone...
          I don't like apologizing all the time, but I feel really bad for not posting as often as I should. So, I AM SORRY!!! But there is going to be an even longer wait now. Tut mir leid!