
@Jade_T Hi


you are very pretty and you don't need to stop eating to feel like you need to please others don't change who you are just be you cause when you find a boyfriend your going to want him to like you for who you are not cause you changed yourself to be the girl he wants keep taking pictures there is no harm in doing it if you want to talk you can message me 


don't feel that way, your a beautiful woman. be proud. express yourself. there's no need to feel the way you do. share your problems trust me it'll be  a big weight of your shoulders. just..... get over the haters . do what you like and watch your life move on. you'll be happy :) if your needing someone to talk to just message me :)


hi Tori this may sound wired coming from a stranger and all but I wanted to say that your not alone I sufferd from depression for 2 years but I got over it it wasn't easy though. your beautiful and I really mean it  don't let anyone tell you otherwise. if you want to chat message me I'm always here to help ;). 
          btw I'm bit of a loner too<3