
          	I have decided that I'm going to delete Running From The Rejection And Pain, as well as It Started With A Kiss! After a long year, I realized they have been holding me back from writing, and I don't like it one bit!
          	Writing is something I need in my life to help relieve my stress and is good to get out of reality for a bit. When I can't write (usually because of writer's block or just not wanting to continue), I get bored :3
          	My works that will be staying are, Best Friends Forever (may change the title), four of my poems, and any new works I write!
          	xxWolfluverxx is back to writing, and successfully out of the dark corner in my mind! Love you my Mars Bars!


Ermahgerd!!! Ur such a prep!! Ugh i h8 posers!!1!1
          ~If you get that reference, you're even more awesome.


@ba_nana I pretty much gave up on fanfictionss when I only found two I liked :/


@xImAnonymousx Hehe, you're still awesome. Have you ever heard of the fanfic My Immortal?


          I have decided that I'm going to delete Running From The Rejection And Pain, as well as It Started With A Kiss! After a long year, I realized they have been holding me back from writing, and I don't like it one bit!
          Writing is something I need in my life to help relieve my stress and is good to get out of reality for a bit. When I can't write (usually because of writer's block or just not wanting to continue), I get bored :3
          My works that will be staying are, Best Friends Forever (may change the title), four of my poems, and any new works I write!
          xxWolfluverxx is back to writing, and successfully out of the dark corner in my mind! Love you my Mars Bars!


how are you? do you have any tips for story writing? I'm thinking of trying again and ill need all the advice I can get.
          Also I do hope everything has been all right with you I'm busy nearly 24/7 so I haven't had much time for the account.


EVERYBODY DANCE NOW! EvErYbOdY dAnCe NoW! eVeRy BoDy DaNcE nOw! Sorry...


@xxWolfluverxx 'Cause if you do, you might just end up saying banana at the end of every sentence banana. @xxWolfluverxx