
táto správa môže byť urážlivá
Hey guys, honestly, I've been dying to start another diary, but I just can't bring myself to it. Every time I do, I end up deleting because I can't take the hatred. I really wanna do one but I'm leaning towards not. I'd want to talk about things I shouldn't take about and honestly it's not worth the risk. Sorry, I know I'm kind of a fuck up xx


táto správa môže byť urážlivá
Hey guys, honestly, I've been dying to start another diary, but I just can't bring myself to it. Every time I do, I end up deleting because I can't take the hatred. I really wanna do one but I'm leaning towards not. I'd want to talk about things I shouldn't take about and honestly it's not worth the risk. Sorry, I know I'm kind of a fuck up xx


I'M SO SORRY TO ALL OF YOU THAT HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR ME TO UPDATE!!! I've really been looking for a time to write but i basically have two problems at the moment. One being I haven't really been inspired by anything or anyone lately, two, my schedule has been hectic. I'm sorry to all my readers and all my excellent friends and followers. I've been really bad about updating recently and i'm so sorry guys, I plan on updating Guardian Angel by Tuesday of this week but I can't promise anything... Thanks for putting up with all this <3


Sorry for not updating when I say I will, I was supposed to update Guardian Angel yesterday but I didn't. I can't write anything today cause I'm going to a wedding, so sorry that I also can't update pretty much at all until like next weekend. Schedule is out of control, sorry everyone