
Happy Birthday to me ;3 I’m finally 21!! ❤️


I’m so close to 200 followers. Ahhhh that’s insane even though in reality it’s not really that much. But thank you to everyone that decided to follow me, and are seeing this message. I don’t know you, but I love and appreciate you. 
          For anyone that needed to hear this today—you are important and valid. I need you, people need you. People care about you. You can do this. Whatever hardship you’re going through right now, I want you to know that everything will soon be better than it is today. Keep on fighting. I love you. ❤️ 
          Once I hit 200 followers, I’m finally going to start writing again. At the moment I’m taking 4 English classes and 6 classes in total in UNI so I’m incredibly busy and lazy so that’s a horrible mixture aha. I’m also in the process of moving soon! For anyone who doesn’t know this, I currently live in a very tiny apartment that used to be owned by my aunt. I sleep in the living room Bc it’s only one bedroom and there are four of us. It’s really hard trying to write and do work when I have no space of my own, but soon I will and I’ll have all the privacy and time to write! 
          SO WITH ALL THAT SAID. I AM GOING TO BE RELEASING  SOME WORK SOON! I’m thinking of starting out with maybe a book of one shots or short stories? I’ve written a few for my classes and it would be cool to put them out on here for people to read. I’ll just change the names and make them fanfics :) let me know if you guys would like that. 
          Love you guys ❤️ 


I updated my about page. If you see this and you are a writer, PLEASE READ IT IN ITS ENTIRETY. Let me know if you have any questions, I’m looking for more experience in editing so just DM if you’re interesting in an editor or just someone to discuss your story with like plot, or ok’ing up with a certain scene, help with writers block, ANYTHING. I gotchu 


I changed my username! I was @resilienttommo now I am @writejoonie :)


@shru0198 Sounds great! Can’t wait aha 


this message may be offensive
@writejoonie True that n don't worry I'll annoy the shit outta u with my endless comments,nothing rude of course


@shru0198 Thank you so much! Yeah it definitely has faded. I remember there was a time when I thought the 1D boys would be my #1 for a long time, but then BTS swooped in lmao. I’m glad they were able to help you through some things, they’ve truly been blessings in my life as well. Nothing hits like a BTS song. They just make us feel so loved.  I wish you the best too and I look forward to hopefully seeing you in the comments of my future books! 


Hey. Just checking in making sure you guys are all good. I’m still really busy with college work :(. Being an English major is turning out to be a lot more work than I expected, but in almost done. This is my third year. One more year and I’m free :)


I unpublished “fight.” I haven’t been able to update as much as I’d like to. Right now I’m taking 4 English courses and I’m just so backed up with reading I have no time to update it. But I will continue to update it offline and eventually publish it again. :) 


@vsramenqueen thank you! I appreciate your support 


We understand !! ❤️❤️


Update postponed again. I’ll keep writing chapters, but my notes are at home and I want to double check that I’m on topic since it’s been a while since I last wrote. I’m always in a bother state atm doing work, but I’ll update as soon as I can when I get back. Sorry guys ;( don’t give up on me please.