
Much love to noblewoman for the heads up, but I've just reported AVeryLarryStylinsmut and Twistedsoul_ for plagiarizing Keep the Car Running and No Fear of Falling. If you come across anyone else doing it, please let me know xx


It’s Christmas Eve in 2022. Wherever you are in the world and whatever you are doing now in life, I hope you are happy and thriving. I just wanted to say that your Zarry books are exquisite and beautifully written. I couldn’t get through any without crying. We miss seeing Zayn and Harry together, and your books takes us away from reality for a moment to immerse us into their world, what was, what could’ve been, and hopefully, what will be. Thank you. ♾️


Ivy, you are such a great writer, I hope I can write and actually buy your books, and see your stories adapt to movies and stuff, your command of words is just out of this world. I hope you have a great life, and really wish I could read more of your writings.


Hey guys!! i want to tell you all who come here and leave sweet messages for ivy that i talked to Grace, another famous zarry author, on twitter and asked her if she knew about Ivy and her whereabout nowadays. She said she hasnt talked to Ivy but they were online friends- and she's sure Ivy moved on from her ff phase(sobs), and is currently hopefully having a good life!!
          i hope Ivy somedays return here and see us and our love for her. 
          also check out Grace's work on ao3 shes awesome too she is thisonegoes on twitter and ao3


@dreamcarus don't remind me *sips coffee to suppress the tr@uma*


@dreamcarus waaaaaa??! Hello bestie;) thank you for bringing me back here !! I haven't opened this app in soo long  however if you wanna be friends on twitter reach out to me  Nice meeting you khushi!! : D 


hey ivy, i see that you haven’t posted anything for 5 years, i hope from wherever you are, whether you’re seeing this or not. be well and safe. we'll always love you and will be waiting for a new story. I love you and we'll always love you <3