
“Someone… GET ME STRIKER. 
          	I’d like to have a word with him..”


do you ever leave your parents basement you filthy tosser, absolute rat you are. disgusting excuse of a human being who should've been swallowed. no doubt you have no real human interaction in your life, let alone affection and important connections with those close to you. what compels you to post this utter rot on the internet. no doubt god looks down upon your existence, and only through sheer pity of your meaningless existence, he does not smite you from this realm. consider yourself lucky, and count every day the lord shows your mercy. filthy scrub, little wretch. hope you get hit by a truck


//You previously asked for Striker so here 
          “What did ‘ya want to see me for? Well? I ain’t got all day ta stand ‘round chattin’. I got a job to do.” The imp’s eye twitched as he stared up at Satan, tapping a foot against the ground impatiently while his tail had rattled out of pure frustration. 
          “Get on with it. I ain’t got all day.” 


The goddess sat the demon prince down at the other side of the small table on the soft grass. Her heavenly domain a stark contrast from that of hell’s wrath ring. While there it was a scorching desert, in the goddess’ area, the land was a vast tropical paradise. As they sat underneath a shady tree, she addressed the other, “ You know I’m starting to think you secretively have a request from me if you keep visiting my realm.” She stated as she sipped her tea.


ta wiadomość może być obraźliwa
" holy shit . " blitzø’s spikes raised in surprise as he landed face to face with the sin . his gun drawn , though it wouldn’t do much against the much taller ..


@silento- //
            The oversized, muscular bull/bison and goat hybrid with molten lava embedded in his hard rock skin looked rather surprised when seeing this tiny hellborn was I.M.P’s boss, although on the other hand it did make sense. Satan in return shrinks/uses his magic to turn into a smaller form of himself, yet he still was rather tall (taller than Stolas let’s say hehe). 
            “A problem has occurred to me and it is because of your company’s mayhem on the living world.. 
            That book I’m aware isn’t yours along with the deal you’ve made with Stolas just to keep it…”


            he slowly lowered his gun , hand comfortably on it nonetheless .. he eyed the very large sin up and down .. 
            " what can i do you for ? " he’d ask , eyes slightly narrowing .


@silento- // 
            “…relax, I’m not here for trouble.
            I seek business with the boss of this place if you’d be so kind..” Satan’s eyes like that of fire gazed down at the small imp. Unfazed by their gun aiming at him, he’d advise they’d not pull the trigger unless he they’re willing to test THE literal sin of wrath’s wrath.


"The Satan? At my club? Consider me honored, I never imagined you to be into the club scene. But you look like you're enjoying yourself so far ~"


            Asmodeus simply shrugged at his response. "Mammon and I mess around quite frequently. Dare I say that we've actually grown closer since the first time." And Asmodeus wasn't nervous at what kind of energy Satan would bring into the bedroom. He's been with many demons, be it the hellborns, sinners, a couple of the other deadly sins, even with the king and queen themselves. And hey, Asmodeus was willing to try everything at least once.
            "I can handle a lot more than you think. If you're truly not interested, then we'll drop the subject. But do keep it in mind. I'm always down for a little bit of fun with one of my closest friends ~"
            // he's ready to be manhandled 


(If you thought Mammon was one rough dom/top?? YOU HAVEN’T SEEN NOTHING YET RAAAAGHHH)


            His eyes widened slightly as he looks over at Asmodeus, now don’t get him wrong this wasn’t the first time the sin of lust tried to have sex with Satan or at least try and have a one night stand but he’d adamantly decline. Though most of the time it was him joking… at least he thinks so??
            “Are you crazy? 
            Last I recalled a sin and another sin getting intimate usually does not end well.. 
            Besides, you’d probably dislike the way I am in bed.” Was all the muscular, rage filled bull/goat says before taking another shot of fire ball.


ta wiadomość może być obraźliwa
//Satan I headcanon is about the same height as Ozzie, if not taller (mine is taller cuz fuck u I said so<33)


and I also headcanon both him and Mammon do not, I repeat, DO NOT GET ALONG!!!  Half the time I bet those bitches are straight up fist fighting like they wanna kill each other (unfortunately Satan is always the victor)


ᩙ༉ㅤ ㅤ  ๛  “ I  must  say .. it’s  an  honor  to  meet  you , Satan ”  Carmilla’s eyes fixed itself on the enormously muscular demon whom ruled only second to Lucifer, he might as well be considered the big man of Hell. What struck her as odd however was his request to see the overlord of all demons/demonesses?


@holyweapons //
            His red, molten lava eyes glow like fire as he smiled widely down at the other although she couldn’t see thanks to a shadow casting over his large stature. 
            “Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Carmine. I’ve heard quite a lot about your accomplishments in Hell since you’ve first got here..”