
Please comment on my character q&a 
          	I’ve only got 5 questions right now and that would make one sad q&a 


Hey guys.
          I know there won’t be many people reading this, but for those of you who have been wondering where I’ve been:
          I’ve been at a very bad place mentally for the last few months. You’ve probably read what I wrote in Stoneheart about this, if not go over there and read it.
          Basically my life has been a mess and my studies aren’t going well at all either. I’d love to write more but I have to reserve the little motivation I have for studying or I’ll fail my exams. Sadly it’s my last chance for these two exams or I’ll have to quit studying and my job.
          I feel like a failure for not being able to find motivation to work towards my dream and beat myself up about it. I panic when I even think about my exams and sometimes even when I go to lectures and I hope it’ll all get better next year when I’m done with my exams for a while and go back to work.
          I hope I’ll be able to write again before next year, but don’t get your hopes up... I promise I will finish Stoneheart though! This book has a very special place in my heart as it’s the very first book I ever took seriously.
          If you have any tips on how to find motivation please let me know, I really need some help.
          Finally, thank you so much for all the support you’ve given me until now. It really means so much to me I can’t even put it into words.


@ steffif00  First of all I want to say that it's okay and you should take every minute to work on your mental health ❤ Your story is honestly amazing and I loved every single bit so far! I hope you will feel better soon because you do matter and you are worth it ❤


@steffif00 well good luck then!!! I hope that youll be better and that youll pass your exams!!!


Okay, first of all when i decide to do smt or i have to do smt i always think about what i love and i make that as my target 
            Like i really wanna dance and im a little fat and i started to do diet and excercises and while im doing this thing i think like “ Do it for Ateez” 
            Actually, i’ve never done that before i mean i never did smt for someone, something or anything i just did only for myself but if u need motivation here u are girl, 
            About panic thing:
            Idk what u study idk what ur job is but i only know that u should’t panic it’s harmfull 4 u and ur mental health as well besides it’s just an exam, you always have second chances - i hope u do- if u fail -i hope u won’t- 
            Im wrote this paragraph cauze i saw the episode, i haven’t started to read your book yet, i don’t follow u or never stalked u , i added it only bc it’s a seongsang fic but now im writing this long ass paragraph idk why 
            Just know that u have someone to talk as an Atiny and as a friend 