
please, @christian_chimjung have deleted the ONE smut out of the whole chapter in the book.  She only have one smut and you all are doing this to her. One even pro, put on instagram. You know that it cause her to get super stress out and even think of going to...haiz. Please ok. If you all really want to blame, blame those who request the smut. She just do what she is request to. What the  freak have she done wrong that cause you all to do this to her. Please apologize to her. And I have saw one user which is @ callmethe8 now changed to @ SVT_JisoosChrist have a book filled with 5 parts of STRAY KIDS SMUT. why is @Christian_chimjung getting scolded and blamed because of ONE SMUT but not the other user (the svt_jisooschrist) get blame for writing it. It is not fair for Christian_chimjung. So I really hope that you all can apologize to her. Notice I use the word P.L.E.A.S.E. 


hi~ thanks for voting on my hyungwonho fanfic 'remember me'! please anticipate more chapters to come and keep voting! you can also recommend this fanfic to others you know but that's optional~ 