
Hey guys so I don't know if it is just me or not... But I went to my library and sorted my library by recently added, and like my book was there. Like you can read it all over but there are no stats on it. So idk what's going on lol.


Hey how are you doing? I was just curious as to whether or not you finished fixing Zombieland I don't want to seem pushy or needy but I just wanted to check in cuz I've been so busy lately and haven't had the chance to ask and you're also the best for fixing the fanfic 


this message may be offensive
To this day I'm still crying that the Simon fic got fucked up, it legit was one of my favourite fics ever!!! out of everything I ever read and that's a fucking lot (a lot by people who study literature in university/college etc) and I'm like pure angry that it's gone but I understand ofc 


@ericawong13 okay I am legit hyped!!!! 


@NerdWithoutaLife nope not yet ;) haha it's almost ready btw


Hey guys so I don't know if it is just me or not... But I went to my library and sorted my library by recently added, and like my book was there. Like you can read it all over but there are no stats on it. So idk what's going on lol.


@GorillazGirll I didn't change any settings... And thanks I never thought of that idea lol 


I'm not sure what's up either, not sure if it would help but try taking it down and adding one chapter at a time. Maybe it's a bug. And I understand it's a lot of work and slightly annoying but I think it may help. Just starting fresh I guess. Did you change any settings?


@hotlinemgc_ yeah.. I honestly really don't know what happened to my book


I just wanted to tell everyone: 1) I am making a new story 2) I am working on fixing the "deleted"/disappeared sidemen fanfic in Zombieland and 3) I am super sorry I feel like this has disappointed all of you. And I just wanted to tell you guys that the fanfic blew my mind never once would I have thought of the fanfic getting 20k reads but you all made it possible. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH AND HOPEFULLY NEW FANFIC COMING OUT IN 2017!


@xixrauhl THANK YOU SO MUCH!  And yeah... Im not even sure what happened like i just logged in one day to update but woosh the book was gone. Thank you again:)


Although the book is gone, I can't wait for the new book you are going to write  I'm sure it will be just as amazing as Zombieland!!


I'm so sorry about what happened to the book :(( i enjoyed reading it so much and it was very well written!!


So do you ever plan on fixing the Simon fanfic? Cuz I really enjoyed reading it over a couple of times even if you didn't update that often. I know it will take a lot of time to fix it but if it's not to much to ask


@AndreaRules101 haha no you're fine. I was about to contact them, but I saw a 'frequent questions' and I like looked there and it said, "How do I recover deleted parts or books?" Then the drop down on it said that once it was deleted there was a slim chance of it being recovered


@ericawong13 I'll be looking forward to them cuz I'm sure they'll be amazing and I know I might seem a bit annoying that I keep mentioning the book but you haven't tried to ask for help from Wattpad cuz there is a very slim chance they might be able to recover for you I think 


@AndreaRules101 haha thank you so much! Yeah I'll have more unique books lol


im actually not okay like as soon as i seen this story had been deleted i freaked out all the parts are there but it's all mixed up


I freaked out too because I couldn't do anything. But that's good you're working on a new story :)


@hotlinemgc_  yeah im soooo sorry I honestly don't even know what happened to it, but im working on another SimonXReader