
New Profile Theme Made By @comfort-zone


It has definitely been a while since I've last been on here. A lot has happened in my life. I am now going in to my third semester of college. I changed my major to English instead of Biology. My writing skills are vastly improving and I'm learning a lot from everyday experiences at college. I hope everyone is having a great day! And MERRY CHRISTMAS to ALL of you!


I have finally worked out a time and got a bit of inspiration to continue working on the next chapter of Once in a Blue Moon. It's felt like forever since the last time I updated it, so I think now is a good time to sit down and work on it. Just so you all know, the first half of the chapter is done. Now I'm just working on the second half. Hopefully, I'll be able to get a decent amount of work done on it so maybe I'll be able to update soon.


Alright, so yeah, I made another book. I couldn't help myself, though. The idea just came to me and I had to do it.
          The title is Telephone for anyone wondering. It's basically a Social Media/Texting AU for Marvel, Teen Wolf, TVD, TO, and possibly more.
          If anyone is interested in checking it out that'd be awesome!
          Also, if anyone by chance has any ideas on how to make it better feel free to let me know. This book is just basically something I'm doing for when I get bored. It's like a side project of sorts.
          But anyway, I thought I'd just make a note about it. I hope you all have a fantastic rest of your day/night! I'll talk to you all later!


Alright everyone. I have a new username. Courtesy of my new found obsession with a fictional man. >_<


@vintagewanda I love it! Thank you so much for encouraging me to change it. Lol, it may not seem like it, but your comment of how I could not choose Loki stirred something in me. So, I thank you for the motivation to change it. Lol