
I'm so desperate for good completed Harry books send me some y'all 


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Honestly I think this baby is the dumbest stunt to exist your telling me you want me to believe that a lady who posted shit off of google to prove she was pregnant had a baby? A lady who used to party and shit while she was pregnant? Your telling me Louis didn't give a shit about his own kind being in the stomach for nine months? Louis the most kindest hearted person didn't give a shit about his own blood being in a random ladies stomach? Honestly it's pathetic and dumb I believe this baby may or may not have been born but it does not belong to Louis he wouldn't just be buzzing if it was his actual baby 


@-fookingsaint lmao forget she was pregnant for a year 


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THE BEST DAY BC OF MY CRUSH. YESS he's so fucking gorgeous omfg. Anyways I have a couple of classes with him in last hour of school he's in there too!!! so our teachers gave us correcting pens bc we took a quiz and she gave us specific ones after the quiz was done my crush walks around looking for the box to put the pen and it was on my table I point to it and say right here he walks over and I look down continuing my work he drops the pens on my worksheet that I was working on and we both go for it and lmao we hold hands for a sec then I drop it and then he picks it up and then I look at him he then slowly so fucking slow puts the pens in the container while holding eye contact IDFK how to react so I smile and nod TF TF!?,!?? he drops the pens finally!!! WHILE STILL LOOKING INTO MY EYES AND WALKS AWAY FUCKJNG GRINNING SO HARD AND BLUSHING TTF SYBDV